Is Clutter Taking Over Your Home in Reno?

Is Clutter Taking Over Your Home in Reno?

Is the house looking cluttered these days? Does everything in your home have a place? Here are tips to help you understand on how clutter effects the home environment.

clean 2According to an article at, “Need to Clean out the Home?”

“Each area of your home has a symbolic meaning with which you resonate on a subconscious level. Clutter and untidiness within each of these areas causes constriction and inertia in the corresponding aspects of your life.


The kitchen has been called the “heart of the home,” and with good reason. Here we are nourished and provided for, even if we are dining on a frozen entrée zapped in the microwave rather than a homemade meal lovingly presented by Mom. An untidy and disorganized kitchen makes it hard to nourish yourself and others, on both physical and metaphysical levels. How you care for your kitchen is a clue about whether you are giving proper attention to your own nourishment and sources of abundance. Cleaning up and de-cluttering your kitchen opens up space for you to receive the support and comfort that you need in life.


These are spaces where you mingle with and honor your relationships with family and friends. Here you engage with the world while being at home through watching television, reading the paper, or arguing politics with old friends over dinner. Clutter can turn these social spaces into dens of isolation, especially if the mess is so bad that it has been years since you’ve invited people over. Look around your living and dining rooms to see what they say about your relationship with the rest of the world. Are you hiding your true self from others, burying it in clutter, or putting it on display here?” To read the entire article click here.

Need a professional cleaning team to clean the home after the clutter is gone? White Lotus is an eco-friendly Reno house cleaning service. To schedule your house cleaning service contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit