Are you stressed over trying to keep up with the demands of a clean home, while having a job and a family to take care of? Here are tips on how to decrease your level of stress in the home. 

house cleaning 4According to an article at, “Tired of Scrambling to Do it All”

1.Designate a room that’s off limits for kids

According to Frank, co-owner of Frankhaus, LLC, Cargot Roll & Go organizer: “While your family room may be filled with beans sprouting in a styrofoam cup, Legos and cracker crumbs, you can designate one room that is dusted and vacuumed once a week that features pictures in frames and end tables with coasters. There is no need to obsess over the whole house — one white-glove showroom is all that’s needed.”

2. Just get rid of it

Frank says moms should liberate themselves from extra housework by eliminating extraneous and under-utilized toys and gear that can be put to better use by being donated to Goodwill. There comes a time when a home — no matter the size — cannot accommodate 100 stuffed animals; infant gear becomes obsolete; and clothing, ice skates and Halloween costumes no longer fit. It’s not a matter of cleaning — it’s a matter of getting rid of useless items.” To read the entire article click here.

To get a Sparks house cleaning estimate, contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit