House Cleaning Tips For Families
Being a parent these days you tend to wear many hats these days. So, when life is overwhelmed with responsibilities, what can you do to keep your household sane between cleaning services?
According to an article at, “Household Cleaning”
“Mothers these days have a lot on our plates. Between work, school, family matters and keeping the house clean, it’s a wonder more women don’t go stark raving mad. It seems that there is an endless request list of things to do, and not enough hours in the day to do them.
However, we are here to help. Don’t get overwhelmed and frustrated. Instead, carve out a few minutes from your very busy day to read this guide. We’ve got everything you need to know in this busy mom’s guide to house cleaning.
1. Clean as you Go
Don’t let the mess build up, clean up a little at a time. While you’re cooking dinner, load the dishes you use into the dish washer right after you use them. If you notice toys, school books or articles of clothing lying on the ground, pick them up right away.
2. Teach the Kids
It takes a lot of work to keep a house clean – don’t feel as though you must do it all yourself. If your kids are old enough to stand upright, they are old enough to clean something. Encourage them to pick up their toys every night as part of their going-to-bed ritual. Give them a dry rag and encourage them to “help” you as you dust. If your kids are older, give them “chore charts” that list the household duties they are responsible for. You can even give those prizes or an allowance for the chores they complete.”
To read the entire article click here:
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