Green House Cleaning Company in Reno Nevada
When it comes to cleaning products are you still using conventional cleaning products? The benefits of using green cleaning products is not only safe for you but the planet, White Lotus cleaning service in Reno Nevada is a green cleaning company. Learn about the dangers of using cleaning products that are not green cleaning.
According to an article at, “The Truth about Green Cleaning”
“General Adverse Consequences of Conventional Household Cleaners
- Poor indoor air quality.
- Potential Health Issues.
Respiratory problems, allergies, migraines, weight problems, diseases including cancer.
- Poisonous hazard potential to children, adults and pets.
- Toxic chemicals going down your drain end up in lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water supplies.
- Impact to humans, plant and wildlife.
Top Hazardous Chemicals in the Home
- Air Fresheners Many contain Formaldehyde highly toxic, known carcinogen; Phenol skin contact can cause swelling, burning, peeling and hives, can cause cold sweats, convulsions, circulatory collapse, coma and potentially death.
- Ammonia Damaging to eyes, respiratory tract and skin.
- Bleach Very corrosive, can irritate or bun skin, eyes and respiratory tract. May cause pulmonary edema, vomiting and coma if ingested.
- Carpet and Upholstery Shampoo Some contain Percholrethylene a known carcinogen damaging to liver, kidney and nervous system. Ammonium Hydroxide: corrosive and very irritable to eyes, skin and respiratory passages.
- Dishwasher Detergents Most contain chlorine in dry form. #1 cause of child poisoning according to the poison control centers. Also contain phosphates which pollute ground water supplies.
- Drain Cleaner Most contain lye; caustic, burns skin and eyes, will damage esophagus and stomach if ingested. Hydrochloric acid: corrosive, irritant to eyes and skin, damages kidneys, liver and digestive tract. Trichloroethane: irritant
- Furniture Polish Petroleum Distillates: Highly flammable, can cause skin and lung cancer. Phenol: same as air fresheners. Nitrobenzene: easily absorbed via the skin, extremely toxic.
- Mold and Mildew Cleaners Sodium hypochlorite: corrosive, irritant/burning to skin and eyes, causes fluid in the lungs and can lead to coma or death. Formaldehyde: Highly toxic, known carcinogen, irritant to eyes, nose, throat, and skin. May cause nausea, headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, memory loss and shortness of breath.
- Oven Cleaner Sodium Hydroxide (lye): Caustic, strong irritant, burns skin and eyes, inhibits reflexes, will cause severe tissue damage if ingested.
- Antibacterial Cleaners May contain Triclosan: absorption via skin can be tied to liver damage.
- Laundry Products Besides Bleach, may contain Sodium or Calcium Hypocrite: Highly corrosive, irritates or burns skin, eyes or respiratory tract. Linear alkylate sulfonate absorbed via skin. Known liver damaging agent. Sodium Tripolyphosphate: irritates skin and mucous membranes causes vomiting. Easily absorbed via skin from clothes.
- Toilet Bowl Cleaners Hydrochloric Acid: highly corrosive, irritant to skin and eyes. Damages liver and kidneys.
- Hypochlorite Bleach Corrosive, irritates/burns eyes, skin and respiratory tract. May cause pulmonary edema, vomiting, or coma if ingested. Contact with other chemicals may cause chlorine fumes which can be potentially fatal.”
To learn more about White Lotus green cleaning service in Reno Nevada visit