Are you interested in doing this spring cleaning differently, maybe only using an eco-friendly house cleaning service? Learn how your best option is to go eco-friendly this spring cleaning.

earth dayAccording to an article at, “Green Spring Cleaning”

“Spring is a time of year when many people resolve to give their homes a thorough cleaning. Spring cleaning projects help people revitalize their homes for the warm months ahead, when windows are once again opened, fresh air pervades homes and items that might have accumulated over a dark and dreary winter have become a distant memory.

Many families have spring cleaning rituals that allow them to efficiently clean their homes in a single weekend. But it’s just as important for spring cleaners to place as great an emphasis on the environment as they do on efficiency when cleaning a home.

Eco-friendly spring cleaning practices produce less waste and rely on less chemicals to rejuvenate a home and get it ready for those seasons when huddling inside under the covers takes a backseat to lounging around the house as fresh air washes into the home.

The following are a handful of ways to efficiently clean a home while also protecting the environment.

* Clear out the clutter. Clutter is an enemy to homeowners and the environment alike. Clutter can prove harmful to the environment because rooms filled with clutter tend to collect dust, reducing air quality and leading to more indoor air pollution that can prove harmful to human health.” To read the entire article click here.

Ready to hire your professional Reno cleaning service? Contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit for more information.