Are You In Need of a Professional Cleaning Service in Reno?

Are You In Need of a Professional Cleaning Service in Reno?

Are your days packed with getting kids off to school, cooking, and working a full time job? Does this make it more difficult staying on top of house cleaning? If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed it might be time to hire a Reno house cleaning service. Let’s take a look at key factors to consider when hiring a cleaning service.

According to an article at, “How to Find a Reputable Cleaning Service”

house clean“When hiring a new house cleaner, there are several important factors that you need to consider. The most important begins with whether you should hire an individual or go through a professional cleaning service. These two paths differ in regards to price, experience, insurance, as well as legality.

Price: When pricing cleaning services against individuals, there is a clear winner. Individuals are, for the most part, much cheaper than going through a cleaning service. One can expect to save anywhere from a few dollars to up to half off of the price of a professional service. Before you start checking the want-ads, you should know that this cheaper price can quite literally come at a cost.

Training: Professional cleaning services hire individuals and, through a company-wide training process, they become professional cleaners. Using a company means that you can be confident that the person that you have invited into your home has been trained, not only to clean thoroughly and efficiently, but also to handle your valuables in a professional manner. If someone is not properly trained on what products or chemicals can and cannot be used on different surfaces in your home, expensive and/or irreparable damage can be done.

Insurance and Bonding: If something is broken or damaged in your home when being cleaned by an individual, it is much less likely that this person has any bonding or insurance to cover this. Hiring a service that is bonded and insured also comes with the added security that the company more than likely does pre-employment background checks on all of their employees to keep from being susceptible to unnecessary claims.” To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus understands the needs of working professional and busy parents with not enough time to clean. To hire the best Reno house cleaning service contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit