An Extra Added Benefit of Hiring a Cleaning Service in Reno Nevada

An Extra Added Benefit of Hiring a Cleaning Service in Reno Nevada

There are pros and cons with everything in life. Learn about the benefits of hiring a cleaning service in Reno Nevada over an individual cleaning person.

According to an article at, “Tips on Finding the Best Cleaning Service

“Choose a service that has been referred: Choosing a cleaning service is like choosing a doctor.  If you are concerned about the safety of your home and belongings, find reputable housekeeping services that have references for you to contact.  Consider asking your neighbors, coworkers, or family members whom they would recommend.  Similarly to a doctor, keep researching until you are comfortable with the information you gather.

Interview the service on the phone first: Most cleaning services will come out and walk through your home for a free consultation and estimate of services. Before they get to this step, ask questions over the phone that is important to you.  They should include:

  • What type of products do they use? Do they change cleaning cloths between homes?
  • Are they licensed and bonded in case of damage or theft to your home.
  • How long have they been in business?
  • What referrals do they have for you to call?
  • Should you hire an individual or service?

The pros for hiring an individual is the personalized attention to detail they will offer.  Individuals may offer more services such as folding clothes, and making up beds, beyond the usual cleaning.  The cons of hiring an individual include, if they become ill; there isn’t a back-up team to take their place.  Insurance and bonding amounts may not be as high for an individual.  Therefore if you had an incident in your home, they may not be covered.

The pros of hiring a service is they have a team of service people, so the likelihood of a cancellation is minimal.  A team of people working on your home at once may make them more thorough.”

To read the entire article click here:

For a house cleaning estimate in Reno Nevada visit for the best cleaning service in town.