Not sure, how to prepare your home when a cleaning service enters the home for the first time? A little preparation can go a long way, your professional cleaners will greatly appreciate it. Here are tips on how to get started.

clean 2According to an article at, “Before the Cleaning Service Arrives”

Follow these preparation tips before your house cleaner arrives:

1. Pick up household items that may be lying about
Tidying and straightening up your home’s rooms before a house cleaner arrives can help ensure they spend the majority of their time cleaning, not organizing your house. Picking up these items also means they’re less likely to be misplaced during a cleaning.

2. Pick up any important documents, bills and other papers
To an unfamiliar eye, important documents such as insurance paperwork, bank statements or bills can be easily mistaken for trash. Protect your privacy and avoid the trouble of tracking down an important paper item by filing them, placing them in a secure spot or leaving a “do not disturb” note on them prior to a house cleaner’s arrival.

3. Secure valuables such as jewelry, small electronics and loose cash
Most house cleaning companies put their employees through thorough vetting and background check procedures, but that doesn’t mean a theft won’t occur. If you haven’t built up a high level of trust with your house cleaner, protect your peace of mind by placing valuables in a secure area such as a locked room, safe or inside your vehicle’s trunk.” To read the entire article click here.

If your in need of a Reno house cleaning company that you can trust, contact White Lotus at 775-525-8100 or visit