White Lotus Exquisite Home Cleaning https://whitelotusreno.com White Lotus delivers quality custom house cleaning services throughout the Reno and Sparks areas Wed, 15 Aug 2018 21:13:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 https://whitelotusreno.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cropped-icon-32x32.png White Lotus Exquisite Home Cleaning https://whitelotusreno.com 32 32 3 Cleaning Service Benefits https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/3-reasons-to-hire-cleaning-service/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/3-reasons-to-hire-cleaning-service/#respond Sun, 20 May 2018 08:01:44 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9209 Need to hire a Reno house cleaning service to help around the house? Let’s look at valid reasons to hiring house cleaning service.

According to an article at taylormaidsvc.com, “Cleaning Service Benefits”

“1. You love the results, but not the process.

Everyone loves having a clean home but not all of us like the part where we do the cleaning. If you work full-time, coming home to scrub showers, vacuum floors, dust furniture and clean the kitchen can feel like having two full-time jobs.

2. You’ll enjoy your home more.

If the first thing you see when you arrive home is a dirty countertop, toothpaste splattered mirrors, streaky floors and clutter everywhere, you need a cleaning service! Wouldn’t it be nice to relax and rest after a long, hard day? Imagine not having to run around and stash the clutter when your friends are stopping by! Your home should be as stress free as you can make it – professional house cleaning can help achieve that.

3. It cuts down on clutter.
Think about the last time you tried to sort the clutter in your home – you start to go through books and DVD collections and clouds of dust waft through the room. You sit down to sort the 3026 toys in your kid’s playroom but the floor is covered in your dog’s hair. The kitchen counters are so full of stuff that the thought of cleaning out the junk drawers seems impossible. Why? Because the time required to tackle these small organizing tasks is over shadowed by the need to do the routine cleaning. A professional house cleaning will give you the base clean you need to allow time for organizing projects.” To read the entire article click here.

For all your Reno house cleaning needs, White Lotus has you covered. To schedule your house cleaning, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit whitelotusreno.com.



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How to Protect Your Mattress https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-protect-your-mattress/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-protect-your-mattress/#respond Sun, 13 May 2018 22:08:12 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9203 Did you know that cleaning your mattress properly could help you sleep better at night? Let’s look at tips on how to get rid of stains, dust, and other allergens which will make for a restful sleep at night.

According to an article at huffingtonpost.com, “Mattress Cleaning Tips”

“Make sure your mattress is properly supported.

While you may not always need to purchase the matching box spring or foundation with a new mattress, it is essential to make sure your mattress does have the right kind of support. This helps preserve the integrity of materials and prevent early wear.

Check with the manufacturer or look at the warranty policy for recommendations. Box springs are generally used only with spring mattresses, while memory foam and other specialty mattresses usually require firm, solid support.

Beds that use a frame should be designed to support the weight of sleepers and the mattress, and queens and kings should have center support bars. Platform beds with wide slats may need extra support depending on mattress type and weight.

It’s a smart idea to check on your bed’s support every year or so to make sure there are no broken slats or springs that could affect your mattress.

2. Use a mattress protector from the beginning.

We’ve covered the benefits of mattress protectors before, and they are one of the best and simplest ways to protect your bed’s longevity.

A good, quality mattress protector offers waterproof protection to guard against spills and accidents, and they also reduce the amount of dust, debris and dirt that make it into your bed.

This helps protect the materials inside your bed from damage, keeps skin oils and sweat off the bed and reduces build up of allergens like mold and dust mites. A protector also makes cleanups a snap when accidents do happen, and many newer types feel just as comfortable as a fitted sheet.

3. Wash bed linens regularly.

When you sleep, you shed sweat, oils, hair and skin cells. Eating in bed also leaves behind crumbs, and pets can track in all sorts of things. In addition to getting yucky, all of this can get into mattress layers, breeding bacteria and encouraging dust mites.

Bed sheets and blankets should ideally be washed every week to every two weeks according to most cleaning experts. Even when using a mattress protector, it’s still important to keep linens clean. The mattress protector should also be washed occasionally according to a manufacturer’s directions.” To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.


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7 Green Cleaning Tips https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/7-green-cleaning-tips/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/7-green-cleaning-tips/#respond Sat, 05 May 2018 00:46:32 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9198 Are you using eco-friendly cleaning products in your home? Here’s a list of seven eco-friendly house cleaning tips.

According to an article at angieslist.com, “Green Cleaning”

“What about green cleaning?

If you’re concerned about climate change, resource depletion and recycling, consider these environmentally-friendly tips for cleaning your home.

Reuse and recycle instead of throwing away

Whenever you consider throwing something away, make it a practice to try and find another use for it. Instead of using paper towels, try rags that can easily be laundered and used again. Instead of throw-away floor cleaning pads, consider using equipment that makes use of steam and pads.

Since steaming tools use water to help with the cleaning process, they tend to be healthier for the environment than many toxic-laced commercial products. Also, weigh whether the use of recycled products may be more environmentally friendly than taking up the resources you would use for laundering.

How to make your own cleaning products?

Rather than purchasing products with hazardous ingredients, try making natural cleaning products using these tips.

  • Green Tip 1: Use a lemon juice and water mix to clean glass and mirrors. An old T-shirt torn to make rags can work well to clean those messy glass table tops without leaving streaks.
  • Green Tip 2: Mix lemon juice and olive oil to make a great smelling furniture polish.
  • Green Tip 3: Make a paste of salt, vinegar and flour to polish metal surfaces.
  • Green Tip 4: Throwing a handful of salt into a wood-burning fireplace can help loosen up the soot buildup.
  • Green Tip 5: Use vinegar and water on bare floors to leave them fresh.
  • Green Tip 6: Use vinegar and baking soda to clean out clogged pipes and drains, or to deodorize your kitchen sink.
  • Green Tip 7: Use lemon juice and hot water to remove foul smells from your garbage disposal.”To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.

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Organizing Clutter in the Home https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/organizing-clutter-in-the-home/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/organizing-clutter-in-the-home/#respond Sun, 22 Apr 2018 22:58:38 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9193 Is clutter taking over your home? Here are helpful tips to get your home clutter free in no time.

According to an article at popsugar.com, “Clutter free Home”

“1. Create a Positive Purpose

I’m a big believer in the power of positive thinking. When it comes to staving off anxiety when trying to get organized, your mindset can make or break you. Trust me, I’ve experienced this first hand. I used to take one look at my cluttered closet with clothes haphazardly thrown in and think, “You’ve really screwed up, buddy. This is going to take you a year to get organized!” The moment that negative seed was planted, I became so panicked that I determined it wasn’t even worth the effort. I set myself up for failure before I even began.

All it took was a little shift in my thinking to get me on the right track to stress-free organization. Now, when I’m ready to tackle a big decluttering project that has the potential to be overwhelming, I start with simply defining why I want to get organized in the first place. I think about how accomplished I’ll feel when I complete it. And most importantly, I remind myself that no one is measuring my progress. If it takes me a few months to get one space organized, who cares? I take all of the pressure off of myself and focus on my why.

2. Make a Plan

Just because you’re in a positive frame of mind doesn’t mean you’re ready to put all of your Target storage containers to use right off the bat. Anxiety is unpredictable, but for me, having a plan in place when I know I’m apt to be stressed is critical. Write down everything in your life you believe would benefit from decluttering. It could be an entire room, a certain drawer or closet, or even something like your email inbox. If it actually worsens your anxiety by being unorganized, it needs to go in the list. Then prioritize. What’s causing you the most turmoil? What can you live with until you can get to is? Once you have your list of most to least important, you can really dig into the details.

For example, if your number one priority is to get your closet organized, list everything you know you will need to make that successful. Do you need to go through clothes to try them and/or donate them? Do you need to get some extra shelving? Do you need to search Pinterest first? Remember, you have no set date of completion, so take some time with this step and get it all down. I prefer to use the old-fashioned pen and paper method to transcribe my plan, but you can use anything your heart desires. Use your iPad, computer, phone, chalkboard, napkin, the arm of a loved one — I don’t freakin’ care! Just make a plan!

3. Set a Time and Stick to It

This is the part where I think people can get the most overwhelmed. Getting started is often the hardest part, so even with a plan, looking at all the tasks that you want to accomplish can be intimidating and anxiety inducing. Start small. Pick a day of the week to start, choose from your #1 Priority Project, and set the timer for a time you feel comfortable with. Even if it’s five minutes, try it and see how you feel. If after five minutes you feel like you can do some more, then do it. Remember, whether you’re taking big bites or small bites, eventually you’re going to finish the whole damn thing. Just commit to starting.” To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.

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How to Clean Your Bedding Sheets? https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-clean-your-bedding-sheets/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-clean-your-bedding-sheets/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 19:56:30 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9189 When was the last time you washed your bedding sheets? Let’s look at how often and the best way to wash bedding sheets.

According to an article at today.com, “How to Clean Your Sheets”

“How often should you wash your sheets?

  • To keep dust mites and other allergens at bay, Zeitler suggests washing and changing your sheets once a week.
Loading the washer
  • Sheets need lots of room to get clean, so don’t jam too many sheets into each load.
  • Never wrap sheets around the agitator — they’ll tear and wrinkle.
  • Wash sheets separately to prevent other items from getting tangled or balled up in them. If you do choose to wash other items with sheets, make sure they are lightweight and similar in color.
 Washer setting
  • While cotton sheets are safe to launder on any cycle, always check the care label for washing instructions first.
  • Select the cycle that fits the soil level of the sheets — normal for light soil, heavy duty for stains and heavy soil. Over-washing causes sheets to wear out faster.” To read the entire article click here.
White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.
https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-clean-your-bedding-sheets/feed/ 0
Reasons to Hire a Reno Cleaning Company https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/reasons-to-hire-a-reno-cleaning-company/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/reasons-to-hire-a-reno-cleaning-company/#respond Tue, 17 Apr 2018 07:56:23 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9184 Do you know the difference between a professional cleaning company vs individual cleaning housekeeper? Let’s look at key points to consider when deciding between cleaning company vs housekeeper.

According to an article at care.com, “Cleaning Service Benefits”
1) Needs

Before you hire anyone, figure out what you want done in your house. Create a list of the things you need cleaned and how often. (Use this cleaning checklist to get you started.) Then make sure whichever option you go with can fulfill those needs. Is the housekeeper capable of washing windows? Will the cleaning service fold your laundry?

2) Money

How much you pay for a cleaning depends on a lot of different factors: where you live, the size of your home, how often you need it cleaned, how much it needs to be cleaned, etc.

“While it might be counter-intuitive, I have found that cleaning services often offer lower across-the-board costs than long-term housekeepers might,” says Beth Alcazar, a mom and cleaning enthusiast, who blogs at the Neat Get Neater. But every situation is different.

3) Time

If you have a tight schedule and need your house cleaned quickly, a company might be more efficient. They often provide a team of cleaners who come in at once to scrub your home all at once.

4) Training

Some housekeepers have been in business for years, but if someone is just starting out, they may not know all the cleaning tricks. When you work with a company, cleaners are usually trained to assure a high standard of efficiency and professionalism. Whoever you work with, make sure you’re happy with the quality of the work. If not, speak up. You’re allowed to ask for something to be re-cleaned.” To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.
https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/reasons-to-hire-a-reno-cleaning-company/feed/ 0
Hiring Quality Office Cleaning Service https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/hiring-quality-office-cleaning-service/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/hiring-quality-office-cleaning-service/#respond Sun, 15 Apr 2018 02:49:57 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9166 Are you looking for a cleaning service to maintain your office space clean and hygienic? Here’s why you should consider hiring a cleaning company for your office.

According to an article at wonderjanitorialservice.com, “In Need of an Office Cleaning Company?”

“There are multiple reasons to keep your office clean.  Office staff need and deserve to work in a clean environment, and an office’s cleanliness or filthiness reflects a lot about a business.  Business owners have multiple obligations outside of operating a business and most people probably do not understand all of the behind the scenes things a business owner does in order to keep the business operating efficiently.  One way for business owners to focus more on their business is to turn the cleaning duties over to well-respected professional cleaning services.  There are countless benefits of having someone else responsible for cleaning the office, including:

1.Professional cleaning companies are skilled in properly cleaning, dusting, and sanitizing. There is much more to keeping an office clean than simply making sure everything is orderly. These experts know what to do in order to ensure a clean environment.

2.When business owners delegate cleaning duties to office staff, morale can sink.  Office workers do not want to clean the bathroom, empty the trash, dust, etc.  Allow your workers to do what they do best and leave cleaning to the experts.

3. As dust builds, offices can easily become respiratory hazards.  Thorough dusting can help ensure your office space has minimal allergens.

4. Professional cleaning companies can ensure certain products are kept on hand like paper towels in the restroom as well as toilet paper.  Business owners can easily overlook things like this given their other responsibilities.  Office workers, customers/clients, deserve to have everything they need in the restroom.

5. When offices are clean and sanitized, those working in the office are less likely to get sick.  When workers are sick, there is always a loss in production or output.” To read the entire article click here.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning service. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.
https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/hiring-quality-office-cleaning-service/feed/ 0
How to Hire a Cleaning Service https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-hire-a-cleaning-service/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/how-to-hire-a-cleaning-service/#respond Sat, 07 Apr 2018 08:42:19 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9158 Need to find a residential cleaning service to keep your house sparkling clean? If you’ve never hired a cleaning service, here are tips to consider.

According to an article at wikihow.com, “Hiring Residential Cleaning Service”
“Decide what you want cleaned. You may only choose to have the service tackle particularly tough spots in your home, such as the kitchen and main bathroom. Some families will want the house cleaned from top to bottom. You’ll also need to decide whether you expect services that may go beyond standard cleanings, such as wiping down the baseboards or washing the windows.
Many services will not clean windows, as they don’t want to create streaks or damage. You may need to turn to a professional for this.
Estimate how long it will take to clean your house. Most cleaning services will ask you how big your house is, how many bedrooms and bathrooms it contains, and what kind of routine cleaning you usually do. One bedroom and one bathroom usually takes about two and a half hours to clean, and kitchens take another 1-2 hours. If you haven’t cleaned in a while, these numbers may go up. Preparing this information for the service will help you both decide what you can afford.
Decide how often you want your service to clean. Depending on your family’s needs, you may only need the service to come once or twice a month. If you have a bigger budget and a busier schedule, you might opt for more frequent visits. You can also create an alternating weekly schedule that directs the cleaners to clean different rooms every other time they visit.” To read the entire article click here.
White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.


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Time to Clean Out the Garage? https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/time-to-clean-out-the-garage/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/time-to-clean-out-the-garage/#respond Mon, 26 Mar 2018 02:12:18 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9154 Does your garage look like a scene from a horror movie? If you realized it’s time to take on the challenge and get it clean and organized for good. Here are tips on how to get your garage in tip-top-shape.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com.


https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/time-to-clean-out-the-garage/feed/ 0
Borax Cleaning Tips https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/borax-cleaning-tips/ https://whitelotusreno.com/featured/borax-cleaning-tips/#respond Sun, 25 Mar 2018 22:01:08 +0000 http://whitelotusreno.com/?p=9151 Did you know that Borax is commonly used for cleaning and laundry purpose? Here are simple tips on how to use Borax around the house.

According to an article at thekitchn.com, “Green Cleaning Tips”

“All-Purpose Spray: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of borax into 4 cups of hot water. Mix with 1 teaspoon of dish soap and 4 tablespoons of vinegar for an all-purpose spray you can use to clean countertops, appliances, the backsplash…
Floors: Mix 2 tablespoons of borax with a gallon of warm water for mopping tile or vinyl flooring.
Garbage Disposal: Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of borax down the drain, let it sit for fifteen minutes, then run the garbage disposal with hot water.
Dishwasher: Sprinkle 1/4 cup of borax into the bottom of your dishwasher (in addition to your normal dish-washing product). It will clean the dishwasher itself and leave glassware clear and spotless.” To read the entire article.

White Lotus offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Reno cleaning services. To schedule your residential cleaning service, contact White Lotus at 775-856-2345 or visit WhiteLotusReno.com


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